Monday, April 11, 2011

Black Death

Recently picked up a Pathfinder Plague Doctor from Reaper. I couldn't help myself after all the Assassin's Creed I've been playing. I'm really tempted to make a steampunk plague doctor costume and join a group of steampunkers at Acon.

Lone Berzerker

I started painting a Khorne Berzerker for fun and as a test model for a friend. I liked him so much I ended up with a squad of them (See previous post)  At some point I'll have to rig a decent photo booth so the figures are not so washed out.

Charge of the Berzerkers

Here's a squad of ten Khorne Berzerkers I've just finished. I've done them as a sort of test/kick off to selling some minis on the side. I started out with a test model for a friend, which prompted me to loot around my collection for some more to paint up. I enjoyed painting the red so much I have a unit of Pre-Heresy/alternate Thousand Sons marines that are almost complete and will also be up for sale soon.

The squad consists of eight Berzerkers armed with pistol and chainsword/axe. Since it's the first unit I'm doing I figured I'd throw in an extra leader with powerfist and another armed with a plasma pistol to swap out normal berzerkers for, unless of course you're going to anger Khorne and run more than eight...

En Route...

I've started this blog to post up projects and figures that are for sale. I'll expand and explain the Duke reference when I have some more time, for now I'll post some figures for sale and some others I've recently finished.
